The individual risk in Idaho is low at this time.
See if our FAQ answers your questions. If not, call 2-1-1 or your local public health district with questions.
Idaho public health officials are monitoring the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation very closely. Idaho is currently reporting no cases.
Officials are working with CDC and other states and are also in regular communication with Idaho public health districts and healthcare providers around the state. We are prepared to respond if someone is sick or exposed.
Idaho COVID-19 public health monitoring and testing*
Total number of people monitored by Idaho public health (past & present) | 48 |
Number of people no longer being monitored by public health | 37 |
Number of people tested through the Idaho Bureau of Laboratories‡ | 93 |
Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Idaho | 0 |
* Data as of 7:45 a.m. MT 3/12/2020
‡ Includes 4 Oregon residents tested in Idaho
Everyone should take precautions to avoid all respiratory diseases, including staying home if you’re sick, avoiding sick people, and covering your coughs and sneezes with the crook of your elbow or a tissue.
Governor’s message on Coronavirus: Idaho is prepared, do your part to prevent spread, 3/4/20
Governor and Idaho Legislature advance $2 million in state funds for coronavirus response, 3/6/20
- Have been in an affected area with apparent community spread within the past 14 days, and
- Are concerned you might have been exposed, and
- Have symptoms of fever or cough